murderous attacks against shias all over pakistan during the month of muharram – more than 300 shias have been killed this year in sectarian violence inside pakistan, according to human rights groups. all the analysis i’ve read so far talks about the “schism between sunnis and shias [which] developed after the prophet muhammad died in 632”. ok, but what about what’s going on in pakistan right now? no mention of how wahhabi groups were armed and funded by the military dictator general zia ul haq in the 1980s, of how the ISI was tasked with monitoring shia organizations, of how the pakistani state/military became complicit in the massacre of shias and how things have only gotten worse over time? military dictators like zia ul haq and pervez musharraf have done more harm to pakistan than we will ever be able to compute. the war against the soviets, the war against al qaeda, and now the war against the taliban have changed (and will continue to change) pakistan’s internal dynamics, its v makeup.