Pankaj Mishra – Pakistan’s Imran Khan Must be Doing Something Right

Khan’s intense nationalism, aroused on cricket fields in the late ’70s when darker-skinned cricketers from the former British Empire finally began to beat white teams regularly, was whetted in the 1990s by the anti-West rhetoric of Asian leaders like Malaysia’s Mahathir Mohamad and Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew, and then by the post-9/11 perception that the United States had bribed and bullied Pakistan into its misconceived war on terror and was now controlling the country’s internal affairs. “The Musharraf years were so shameful,” he told me. “The Westoxified Pakistanis have been selling their souls and killing their own people for a few million dollars. And then the Americans come in with shady deals to bring Benazir Bhutto back and let crooked people like Zardari go scot-free. I was so disgusted, and if I hadn’t been in politics I would have left Pakistan.” More here.