still reading “tablet and pen” off and on.
‘Houshang Golshiri’s remarkable “My China Doll” presents the stream-of-consciousness narration of a young Iranian girl wondering at the fate of her father, who has been taken away for reasons she does not know. “Mommy says he’s coming back,” Golshiri writes. “I know that he’s not coming back. If he were coming back, Mommy wouldn’t be crying, would she?” Such a story operates on both personal and political terms, drawing us in by lowering our defenses, using the girl’s emotions to make larger points about terror and oppression, opening up the center of this world.’ (David L. Ulin)
this is a great anthology. i have learned so much, visited so many places, experienced so many cultural and political upheavals, gotten to know so many people and their rich histories, and all of this by being immersed in remarkable literary masterpieces. the diversity and sophistication of the literature compiled in this book is mind-blowing. and it’s beautifully translated in english. a huge accomplishment, a must read for everyone.