Crippled, Chaotic Pakistan

another predictably pompous, jingoistic, sadly warped and myopic editorial from the nyt where small-minded parochialism is often paraded as erudition. what a waste of digital space (not to mention the nyt’s paper version – yikes). the most interesting thing about this editorial, is the sarcastic comment by M Nauman Siddiqi (Lahore, Pakistan):

I really enjoy it when New York Times gets all uppity about Pakistan. ‘Crippled, Chaotic Pakistan’ they call it. I wonder how much ire a story titled ‘Cowardly, Manipulating America’ in a Pakistani newspaper would raise.

Oh well.

Dear America: thank you for the Taliban and the drones. Thank you also for Motor-Mouth Panetta. I’m sure he’s a delight at family dinners and unlike Jesus, who turned water into delightful wine, he turns water into vinegar just by looking at it. Just because our secret agency was rabid, you didn’t have to throw it a bone to start with. As Neil Gaiman would say: ‘don’t ever summon what you cannot dismiss’. Generalizations kill friendships. Please don’t generalize us. And while you’re at it, move your War of Terror to India. I’m sure they’ll enjoy playing host to your appetite for death. Or, you know what? Do yourself and the rest of the world a favor and let the kids in your Army go home and eat pie. Bye.