Who are the glorious inventors of the “Islamic menace”, which according to them is in the process of disintegrating Western society and our beautiful France? Who but the intellectuals engaged in their infamous task of fiery editorials, twisted books, and rigged “sociological surveys”? Is this a group of retired provincials and workers in de-industrialized towns who patiently erected the whole affair of the “clash of civilizations”, the defense of “republican pact”, the threats to our beautiful “secularism”, the “feminism” outraged by the daily lives of Arab women? Isn’t it unfortunate that only the leaders of the far right (who only pull the chestnuts from the fire) are interrogated– without ever exposing more often the overwhelming responsibility of those on the so-called “left”, and more often the teachers of “philosophy ” rather than the supermarket cashiers – why not those who passionately argued that the Arabs and blacks, especially young people, are corrupting our educational system, perverting our suburbs, offending our freedoms and insulting our women? Or that there were “too many” in our football teams? Exactly as one used to speak of Jews and “{insert racial slur here}‘s”– that because of them eternal France was threatened with death. (Alain Badiou)
Moe here.