Sadequain’s art…

A significant genre of art, mural painting, is not common in Pakistan’s visual vocabulary. Sadequain ventured into the sphere of mural art in October of 1961, when he undertook the largest art project in the history of the nation to paint the monumental mural “Treasures of Time” (65 x 10 ft), for the library of the new building of the State Bank of Pakistan in Karachi, along with eleven other pieces of artwork.

The mural is located at a public place, making it accessible to all people. It captures human intellectual advancement through the course of history by highlighting Greek philosophers, European luminaries of the Renaissance, Arab scholars, and twentieth century stalwarts.

This section of the mural pays tribute to Muslim artists and scholars. Shown here are Al-Beruni, Al-Khawarizmi, Omar Khayyam, Ibne Rushd, Sadequain, Ibne Zakaria, Rumi, Al-Idrisi, Hafiz, and Ibne Khaldun.
