Gay and Muslim — Is that even possible? One imam says ‘yes’

For anyone who’s an LGBTQ Muslim, I want them to understand the Quran’s promise is for all of humankind for all of human time. Our society was very different 1,500 years ago. Human conditions remain the same, but the way we approach them now is different. Either you follow the rituals of dead people, or you live the Quran for today.

So do you think it’s harder to be gay, black, or Muslim in the U.S.?

They’re all the same. If I go down P Street then I’m that black guy who may be a criminal. If I go in my garb, then I’m that Muslim who might try to blow us all up.

When the Chinese come here on vacation and I see them having problems on the subway, I’ll stop and say, “How can I help you?” And they’re shocked, like, “Who is that big black man speaking Chinese?” [Laughs.]

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