The Gaza Mono-Logues

In 2010, with the support of UNICEF, ASHTAR Theatre and Ali Abu Yassine started training a group of children aged 14 to 18 using drama therapy and creative writing. The first three months of work focused on the wounds of the Gaza attack of Dec 08-Jan 09 – the youth’s individual experiences, their dreams, fears and hopes. This work led to the creation of The Gaza Mono-Logues. ASHTAR Theatre is mobilizing its global artistic network to produce recitals of The Gaza Mono-Logues with youth groups in 30 world cities, in as many languages, all opening on the same day: Oct 17, 2010. In November, each partnering country will send one young actor to meet us in New York where we will perform at the UN, in front of the representatives after their annual meeting on the Question of Palestine.