In a cell approximately 20 feet long and 15 feet wide, in a maximum security prison at the Plymouth Correctional facility, Muslim Egyptian-American pharmacist Tarek Mehanna, from Sudbury, Mass., has been in solitary confinement for more than five months for refusing to be an informant for the FBI at his local mosque. A doctoral graduate of the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, respected by the Muslim community for his leadership, charisma and dedication, as well as for his outspoken political views against the “war on terror” at home and abroad, Tarek was targeted by the FBI as a potentially valuable tool to corroborate any and all accusations against Muslims in Boston made by federal agents and their ranks of agent provocateurs and co-conspirators in the endless web of entrapment and detention of Arabs and Muslims in this country. A victim of constant surveillance and blackmail, Tarek firmly refused to be, in his words, “a house slave to an agency that made my people the target of it.” Full article.