Obama to Open Offshore Areas to Oil Drilling for First Time

Could the BP oil spill in the Gulf be a Katrina moment for Obama? Yesterday, he brought up the spill during a Rose Garden ceremony with school teachers, honoring the “National Teacher of the Year,” lamely joking: “I am sure there may be a few science teachers here who have been following this issue closely with their classes, and if you guys have any suggestions, please let us know.” [Obama and audience chuckle politely.] Meanwhile, U.S. Coast Guard Rear Admiral Mary Landry was defending BP’s (thus far woefully unsuccessful) clean-up and containment efforts, saying: “BP, from Day 1, has attempted to be very responsive and be a very responsible spiller.” Really? BP is being a “responsible spiller” and Obama is joking about taking disaster management advice from grade school students and teachers, and all of this a mere month after he opened areas of the Atlantic coast, Gulf coast of Florida, and northern coast of Alaska to offshore drilling for the first time? (Ryan Hunt)

Read: Obama to Open Offshore Areas to Oil Drilling for First Time – NYTimes.com