Flowers are blooming everywhere, O flower of mine come to me
Conifers await you night and day, my graceful pine come to me
Thanks to my overflowing tears, tulips and roses are fresh and young
Strolling along the garden walk, my lily divine come to me
Without you darling, gardens all are in the grip of doom and gloom
So shining brightly in the dark, o my sunshine come to me
Your braids are trying to chain me dear, your eyes are out to charm
So if you want to captivate, my valentine come to me
You may be tart and pungent but your abscence is much worse
So bearing all your pungency, my vintage wine come to me
Without you I, your Khusro, am tongue-tied and confused
To give me wit and fluency, O soul of mine come to me
(Translation by Khalid Hameed Shaida)