Earlier this year Robert Greenwald and Brave New Films were featured in The Nation, as part of a grass roots movement to educate the public and develop resistance to the war in Afghanistan and Pakistan. They produced a documentary called “Rethink Afg…hanistan” and their goal was to do nationwide screenings, start a discussion and get Congress people involved.
The documentary is divided into several sections which focus on: the consequences of military escalation in Afghanistan, its destabilizing effects on Pakistan, the staggering cost of the war, the large number of civilian casualties in the fourth poorest country of the world, and the negative effects of the war on women’s rights and terrorism.
“Rethink Afghanistan” will be screened on Friday October 2, at 7:00 pm at RCTV, 21 Gorham Street, Rochester, NY. The screening will be followed by a panel discussion. There will be 5 panelists: Dr Aitezaz Ahmed and Mara Ahmed will talk about Pakistan, Mohammad Katawazi and Obaida Omar will discuss Afghanistan and Doug Noble will moderate the discussion. The event is being sponsored by Rochester Against War, Peace Action and Education, and Peace Advocates First Unitarian Church.